Friday, May 11, 2007

Fighting for a Purpose; Colossians 1:28-29

Colossians 1:28-29
28We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. 29To this end I labor, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me.

Well Paul, here again we see your deep singular passion that is a part of everything you write. Jesus is always Jesus Christ. Again, I am challenged or perhaps "admonished". As I reflect on the speaking that I do, it absolutely must be about Christ, first and formost. Sometimes I wonder if it is first and formost about the students I am speaking to (although I do this because I love them, or I should do this out of love...but there is nothing that could be more loving than to be Christ centered in my communication with them), or perhaps it is first and formost about stories etc. The reality is it needs to be about Jesus Christ, He is supreme, He is what our world desperately needs. Lord, renew in me a passion for Your Son I pray. Notice how Paul proclaims Jesus Christ, admonishing and teaching (admonishing would be another word for warning). I'm not sure that either of these are very popular in todays communication...certainly they both need to be done with love (Paul acknowledges this over and over in His writings), but they need to be done.

The goal is the maturity of the people. This is a huge responsibility again. This is what we are in "ministry" for. I need to be reminded what the goal is because there are times when I forget or become discouraged or wonder why I am doing what I am doing. By the way, Paul goes on to say he labours and struggles. My sense is that he would not have to do either if the journey were not going to be difficult at times. I have to be honest, there are times when it is difficult and I need to be reminded that this is to be expected. What is not expected is that we journey through the difficulty on our strength...Paul lets us know that he is fighting with God's strength. I need some "God strength" right now. The only way I know to do this on "God strength" is through awareness of and reliance upon the power of God in Christ through the Holy Spirit. Lord, I need You big time. We need you big time. The church needs You big time. Carry on.

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